Weapons and history


The AK-74 (Russian: Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года or "Kalashnikov automatic rifle model 1974") is an assault rifle designed by Soviet small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1974. It is chambered for the 5.45×39mm cartridge, which replaced the 7.62×39mm cartridge of Kalashnikov's earlier automatic weapons for the Soviet armed forces.

The AK-74 works the same as the older akm's and ak-47's. Long stroke gas piston and rotating bolt. The AK-74 is easily distinguishable for its huge muzzle break, brown bakelite magazines (curved a little less then the older 7.62 variants) and dimple in the wood stock.

The AK-74 saw first action in Afghanistan and later in most in modern conflicts. Its still being used in huge numbers in every corner of the earth. Russia later adopted a modernized version of the AK-74 called the AK-74M, which is now slowly being replaced by the AK-12. The AK-74 is still the standard issue rifle of most former Soviet states. And former Warsaw pact countries adopted their own version of the AK-74.

A Legendary rifle

For more information about the evolution of the AK, check out this post

Evolution of the AK