Weapons and history

Weapons donated to Ukraine (2023 update)

Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many countries decided to aid Ukraine in its war efford. Most of the aid comes in as humanitarian aid or aid packages, weapons are being send too, and sending weapons plays a important role.

Most of the weapons that are being send are vehicles, vehicle parts, artillery systems and all the necessary things that come with it. Small arms are being send too, sending small arms will not turn the tide of the war, but it will sure help and for the soldiers who get issued donated small arms, it sure will come in handy.

Ukraines standard issue rifle is still the AK74 (and other variants like the AKS74 etc), and since Ukraine applied for NATO membership and slowly integrating to western standard, the supplied small arms will give them a huge boost to modernize and standardize to NATO standards.

Note: The flag next to rifle means the country who donated, no flag means that it is uncertain or donated by a company/third party. And for most rifles its uncertain how many were shipped to Ukraine.


Assault rifles and carbines.

The most common donated rifles you will see in the hands of Ukrainian troops is the GROT C16A2's, M4A1's, C7A1's and BREN 2's. These rifles are donated in large quantities and in use by tons of frontline units.  The XCR and AA P1 were sent by Robinson arms and Adam arms. The origin of the AUG and HK416 are uncertain but most likely.

(1) The Type 56-1's were captured in the gulf of Yemen and originated from Iran. The shipment of rifles was meant for Yemeni rebels. The rifles were captured by the U.S. Navy and later shipped to Ukraine. Most likely for training use since Ukraine uses most 7.62x39 pattern AK's for training.

Battle rifles, Submachine guns and Machine guns.

Yes, Keltec sent 400 Sub2000's to Ukraine, its better than nothing. Older cold war battle rifles like the M14 and FAL are being used as designated marksman rifles, but its going to pretty messy for logistics to supply 7.62x51mm NATO munition.

The FN mag, the standard western machine gun, it is a proven machine and it got supplied my multiple nations to Ukraine. The MAG is very usefull for trench warfare and its finally roaming around killing Russians. Note that swedish Ksp 58 and Canadian C6 are also under the name ''MAG'' in the post. The American equivelant, the M240(b) also has been spotted alot in the frontlines of Ukraine. Then the M2 Browning, more than 100 years old and still kicking ass in Ukraine.

Sniper rifles, Anti-materiel rifles and Grenade launchers.

Sniper rifles play a important role in the Ukraine since the war has become a stalemate. Before 2022 Ukraine lacked in proper sniper rifles, relying on older Soviet SVD's and small numbers of western imported rifles. The UAR-10 (Ukrainian made AR10) was and is still being spotted alot, but its still more of a designated marksman rifle. The first country to send a batch of sniper rifles  in the early stages of the war was The Netherlands, sending 90 top of the line accuracy international AX308 and older AWM sniper rifles. The M82 or ''BaRrEt 50 CaL'' also has been spotted in Ukraine multiple times, donated from the United States, Netherlands and Sweden (AG90C in Swedish service). Before the start of the war, Ukraine used still older grenade launchers from Soviet times like the GP-25 (40mm caseless). Primairily the United States aided Ukraine with western grenade launchers using 40mm grenades. The M203's were delivered together with M16A4 rifles. Germany is currently sending (or has been sent) the HK GMG automatic grenade launcher. Funny how both Ukrainians and Russians use automatic grenade launchers kinda like artillery

Pistols and others,

Pistols are not that important in a large scale war. Still handy for special operation units and anyone else who need to really use it. Ukraines standard issue sidearm is still the 1950's PM (Makarov) pistol.

Now the others.

It is really unclear what weapons were/are being send and for some the quantity. For the Baltic states its most likely ex-soviet weaponry that remained there after the fall of the USSR, and Ukraine is familair with. Canada is going to send (or has been sent) 21000 rifles, on the first slide you can see that Canada is going to sent Colt M5 rifles and M4A1's, and most likely they are going to send Diemaco/Colt Canada small arms like C7A1/A2's etc. Now we have to wait and see which small arms will pop up in Ukraine.